Digital Design + Fabrication Certification (Inkjet)

Quiz 1 *
When you are ready to print, what must you do before sending the file to the printer?
 Give your file to the monitors or staff and ask them to print.
 Run a test print.
 Run a test print and immediately print the final file.
 Print the final file.

Quiz 2 *
From the options below, check all of the statements that are TRUE based on what is stated above:
 All use of the inkjet printers in the PrintLab requires a booking.
 If you are not certified you can have a friend make a booking for you.
 You can show up to your booking with unfinished work and complete it during the booking.
 Print Lab Staff and Lab monitors can assist you in designing your artwork.
 Print Lab Staff and Lab monitors can assist you with changing paper rolls.
 You can leave and collect your print later on.

Quiz 3 *
If you are printing on the Inkjet-Matte printer, you will have to make sure the ink is in what format?
 Photo Black
 Matte Black
 Mixed Black

Quiz 4 *
What size should the test print be?
 5 x 5cm
 5 x width of file
 13 x width of file
 10cm x 10cm

Quiz 5 *
What button do you have to press on adobe illustrator’s print dialog menu to access the printer settings?
 "Printer Setup…"

Name *

VCU Arts Qatar User Name


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