Digital Design + Fabrication Certification (Laser Cutter)

Quiz 1 *
How does adjusting the speed of the laser cutter affect the depth of the cut?
 Faster speed results in deeper cuts
 Slower speed results in deeper cuts
 Speed does not affect the depth of the cut
 The speed should never be adjusted

Quiz 2 *
What action is taken if a student misses or arrives more than 15 minutes late to more than 2 appointments?
 Required to re-take the certification
 1 week suspension
 No action is taken
 Verbal warning

Quiz 3 *
What precautionary measure should be taken regarding the hood while the laser cutter is running?
 Keep it open for better ventilation
 Keep it closed to contain noxious smoke
 Keep it open for a clearer view
 Keep it open or closed based on personal preference

Quiz 4 *
What software is used for designing files for laser cutting?
 Adobe Photoshop
 Adobe Illustrator

Quiz 5 *
What type of lasers do the laser cutters in the Digital Fabrication Studio use?

Name *

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